There is nothing, absolutly nothing quite like the whine of a PT-6 turbine coming to life, propellor spooling up half a step behind the rising crescendo, a whiff of fuel & exhaust carried through the vents, a couple of Ugandan Cranes pause their courtship as the howl distracts them but for a moment. Jim's eyes are fixed on engine instruments, poised to disable the start-up if all is not well but alls well, tthe £250,000 'lump of engine' declares to all and sundry that it is living, the 'bird' is alive, transforming a huge aluminium can into a remarkable life saving tool, ready to 'Fly for Life.' Jim seems content with the array of equipment before us, his well practiced hands run through the checks confirming for him at least that all is at 'peace' with the world.
I am indeed fortunate to be able to join Jim again as he heads up to NE Uganda to Karamoja , East Africa. Golly those hills are amazing, we show 9,500ft on our altimeter yet the rocks are just outside the windows! As we glide past to the waiting airstrip.
Jim has been flying in Uganda and working alongside the MAF Congo programe as well as flying into South Sudan since he arrived last year in 2011. 'Most of the pilots, engineers and programme managers seem to be married!' I remarked, Jim laughed, throwing is head back as he did so, 'I guess I don't keep my feet long enough on the ground to get caught!' Jim is one of MAF's newest pilots and from the Island of Guernsey (land of the Guernsey Cow and the book Guernsey Literary and Potatoe Peel Society).
He is a very popular pilot not least because of his delightful grin and relaxed manner but Dave our Operations Manager (who is from MAF US) reckons it could be something to do with his lightweight,as he remarks 'there is room for another 80kg on any flight that Jim skippers!'
I am indeed fortunate to be able to join Jim again as he heads up to NE Uganda to Karamoja , East Africa. Golly those hills are amazing, we show 9,500ft on our altimeter yet the rocks are just outside the windows! As we glide past to the waiting airstrip.
Jim has been flying in Uganda and working alongside the MAF Congo programe as well as flying into South Sudan since he arrived last year in 2011. 'Most of the pilots, engineers and programme managers seem to be married!' I remarked, Jim laughed, throwing is head back as he did so, 'I guess I don't keep my feet long enough on the ground to get caught!' Jim is one of MAF's newest pilots and from the Island of Guernsey (land of the Guernsey Cow and the book Guernsey Literary and Potatoe Peel Society).
He is a very popular pilot not least because of his delightful grin and relaxed manner but Dave our Operations Manager (who is from MAF US) reckons it could be something to do with his lightweight,as he remarks 'there is room for another 80kg on any flight that Jim skippers!'
He has a particular heart working with young people, always ready to tell them of the exciting challenge of being a Jesus follower, perhaps also because he is altitudinaly challenged himself!
He was very eager to do a bit of filming with me, the results of which you can see below or on bigglesgsy. Jim's first film was 4m so this one is twice as long and sorry if you recognise a couple of clips! Once again the similarity in our voices is surprising.
He was very eager to do a bit of filming with me, the results of which you can see below or on bigglesgsy. Jim's first film was 4m so this one is twice as long and sorry if you recognise a couple of clips! Once again the similarity in our voices is surprising.
I think you will enjoy this 'Day in Africa.' ... do contact me on if you would like to know more.
Bryan and Jim, I love the new film, great stuff. Thanks for the good work you and all the other staff at MAF do and thank the Lord for keeping you all safe.